BD Player: Sony S350有新firmware (019)
本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2009-5-28 20:16 編輯師兄們可自行上網update (唔知行貨有未﹐因為我用緊美國水貨) {:6_122:}
This utility updates the BDP-S350 firmware to version 019 and provides the following benefits:
Improvements over firmware version 015:
* Improves BD-Java compatibility to enhance interactivity with some BD-ROMs.
Benefits provided by previous updates and included in version 019:
* Improved BD-Live performance to enhance interactivity.
* BD-Live functionality.
o BD-Live allows you to enjoy additional content and services while playing a BD-Live capable disc.
o For optimal performance, we recommend that you use a Broadband Internet connection to access BD-Live content and services.
o BD-Live content and services require external USB flash memory (sold separately) for local storage.
* Improved sensitivity to the Remote Commander® signal while the player is in stand-by mode. 唔該哂~今晚先做野.. 行貨都有得update, 我一開機佢己自動提醒話有得update.