laaa 發表於 2012-5-25 01:48

高手 請入, Magic TV 紅白 + component 錄有線 一問

Hi all C-Hing.
Recently, i found that the programme recorded by my Magic TV 7000 ( via 紅白 + component) have some pbm in the Audio part.
THere is a sudden loss of sound for ~ 0.1-0.2 secevery ~ 8-9 seconds, just like interrupting sound.
( THe videopicture quality is ok, no pbm)
This only happen when i use the 紅白 + component Or 紅白黃 input to record 有線 Programme.

Actually, same pbm appeared in the past when i use Panasonic DVD recorder to record 有線 Programme via 紅白蔩 + component.

Any C-Hing have idea what is the source of the pbm? and any managemnet method?


( Magic TV staff told me to bring the machine for them to checking.......but really too distant away....and i dont think the magic TV itself has any pbm, Maybe due ot compatibility? )

plnl88 發表於 2012-5-25 01:56

Hi all C-Hing.
Recently, i found that the programme recorded by my Magic TV 7000 ( via 紅白 + compon ...
laaa 發表於 2012-5-25 01:48
師兄重 play 那些 file,都係果個位無聲一、兩秒?

laaa 發表於 2012-5-25 02:01

師兄重 play 那些 file,都係果個位無聲一、兩秒?
plnl88 發表於 2012-5-25 01:56

Thanks for the quick reply!

When i play back the file, it is like every 8-9 seconds, i will hear sudden interuption of the 聲音, lasting < 1 sec. Actually hard to describe, but it is like "click", "Click" 聲.
I am quite sure those are not due to Magic TV pbm ( Becoz if it is due to Magic TV pbm, the Video picture should have interupption together; but now only the sound is interrupting, with normal picture)

You have the same pbm?

plnl88 發表於 2012-5-25 02:10

Thanks for the quick reply!

When i play back the file, it is like every 8-9 seconds, i will hear...
laaa 發表於 2012-5-25 02:01
我D 3200S/7000D 都試過樓主的情況。

laaa 發表於 2012-5-25 14:25

我D 3200S/7000D 都試過樓主的情況。
後來重新安排拖牌同電處的插位應用已無此情況出現。 ...
plnl88 發表於 2012-5-25 02:10

Would u mind telling me more how to 重新安排拖牌同電處?
Is that
1) both the 有線and Magic TV 火牛 插在同一個拖牌?
2) is that related to the brand of the 拖牌?


pan 發表於 2012-5-25 16:51


laaa 發表於 2012-5-25 17:02

Actually i have changed the AV 線 for two times already....same problem exist! thx

plnl88 發表於 2012-5-25 21:04

Would u mind telling me more how to 重新安排拖牌同電處?
Is that
1) both the 有線and Magic...
laaa 發表於 2012-5-25 14:25
試下唔將 MTV 同D 扯電如 AMP 的電器插埋係同一拖板。

laaa 發表於 2012-5-26 13:44

if i switch off the magic TV, and restart, the clicking sound noise improves dramatically, but the pbm reexists a few hours later.
Very 奇怪!

laaa 發表於 2012-5-26 16:32

試下唔將 MTV 同D 扯電如 AMP 的電器插埋係同一拖板。
plnl88 發表於 2012-5-25 21:04

Ai, i dont have Amp machine. Just have bluray player, 8 stb, magic tv stb, cable stb. that's all.
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查看完整版本: 高手 請入, Magic TV 紅白 + component 錄有線 一問

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