nicknick 發表於 2012-5-25 01:06

大家Rip CD時會否買外接光碟機呢?
av_dom_c 發表於 2012-5-24 19:51

我唔用內置CD drive rip碟原因只有一個,rip得碟多會損耗光頭同CD drive,Mac內置的DVD ROM壞左要換都幾麻煩同勁貴,外罝的話壞左或者rip碟rip到殘咪隨時換過部都只係幾舊水。

CANEEKER 發表於 2012-5-25 01:37

同意同意,一旦死 ROM 整又煩,又貴,都係外置 ROM 比較好

charliey 發表於 2012-5-25 10:53

曾经想過買apple外置cd rom 畀部mini用(ripping...),但見到mac forum話部机接綫手工差放棄左,然后轉睇外置blueray player,又發覺無乜software 可以順順利利喺mac播blue ray disc (唔駛先copy再play) ... so finally no buying ... {:8_365:}

nicknick 發表於 2012-5-25 12:29

曾经想過買apple外置cd rom 畀部mini用(ripping...),但見到mac forum話部机接綫手工差放棄左,然后轉睇外置b ...
charliey 發表於 2012-5-25 10:53


charliey 發表於 2012-5-25 14:09

呢个comments得人驚d ... 抄自apple forum:

Does not recognize over 60% of the CDs!!
Written by Bart S from Eindhoven
May 6, 2012.
I have a CD collection of over 50 original CDs and 30 of them can not be played or ripped. I went to the local Apple store and they also noticed this problem, but there was nothing they could do to fix it. They gave me a new one, but still same problem. Then I called the apple help desk, and the lady on the phone even thought the macbook air superdrive was not an Apple product... come on... The build in CD player of the macbook pro seems to actually do all the work and plays and rips all my CDs. To bad I got stuck to this macbook air... So if you love music, do not buy a macbook air in combination with the superdrive. As I was told, the laser in the superdrive is to weak to read all the CDs... What a terrible product... …

taisun 發表於 2012-5-25 14:14

But how many CDs do you rip to 損耗壞rom?

av_dom_c 發表於 2012-5-25 14:54

看來有部份C兄有用外接光碟機Rip CD
我最喜歡的(先記)外接光碟機, 他是否真的不能在Mac機使用呢?
看過他的資料話只能在PC Run!
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