googleli 發表於 2012-5-24 16:27

查實HDTracks果D 24/96和24/192係直錄定係升頻?

查實HDTracks果D 24/96和24/192,

bbocram 發表於 2012-5-24 16:47

Below is the HDTrack formal reply.

We absolutely do not allow any upsampled content on our site. All of our high res albums are produced either directly from the original masters, or from SACDs, in either case transferred through high quality DACs set at the proper resolution. In addition, we have every album tested at an offsite facility to insure that it has not been upsampled prior to offering it for sale on our site.


Nearly all albums begin as sourced from the masters, and overseen by the labels themselves, or by the artist, producer or other rights-holder, or through third party engineers, or by our engineers. 96kHz and 176kHz can be derived using technology which interpolates from a tape, reel or DAT, where it is possible to take more slices than previously possible of the signal. The projects can considerable magnitude for mastering engineers who have to please artists, listeners, label executives, producers and resellers.

chhanthony 發表於 2012-5-24 17:03

查實HDTracks果D 24/96和24/192,
googleli 發表於 2012-5-24 16:27

香港無錄音室用192khz 頂盡96khz

chakat 發表於 2012-5-24 17:43

香港無錄音室用192khz 頂盡96khz
chhanthony 發表於 2012-5-24 17:03


kayulai 發表於 2012-5-24 18:05


googleli 發表於 2012-5-24 18:13

香港果個 HifiTracks 全部都會講係升頻定係原裝錄 (九成係升頻的),
而外國網站HD Tracks就無講明, 所以我才有上面的問題.

coldcall 發表於 2012-5-25 10:37

想知仲有邊個網有96khz歌,想外國同jpop? thx!

TonyTDK 發表於 2012-5-25 12:53

Louis Armstrong What A Wonderful World - 192/24 Hi-Res 版 {:6_138:}

The masters were played on a modified Studer A820 with Wolke Butterfly heads and converted to digital at 192khz/24bit resolution using the DCS 904 converter and Sterling’s proprietary mastering systems.
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