【Christopher Nolan 基斯杜化路蘭】導演作品合集 Blu-ray Disc
本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2012-5-23 18:32 編輯美版 (7-Disc) Street Date: 26 Jun, 2012
Included will be Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Inception, Memento, and Insomnia. As well as special features for each movie, the collection will include 10 collectible photo cards, a 40-page photo book with images from the films, and more.
幾正咁喎{:6_193:} 唔包 Following(1998) 同 Doodlebug(1997){:9_438:} 有意思...有意思...{:6_211:} 最好睇都係Memento~幾時會有港版~~ 無"The Prestige"
"Following"好似無blu ray 出過 無"The Prestige"
"Following"好似無blu ray 出過
風見志郎 發表於 2012-5-23 23:48 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我是台灣的網友,The Prestige在美國是由Disney(Buena Vista)發行,海外才是華納。這一套合集是美國的產品,不會有The Prestige。 7-Disc 大大盒 {:6_238:} 最好睇都係Memento~幾時會有港版~~
@肥狗仔@ 發表於 2012-5-23 22:27 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
前排香港HMV做緊美版BD特價, $100唔使就有一隻 前排香港HMV做緊美版BD特價, $100唔使就有一隻
Will 發表於 2012-5-24 01:27 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif