player 發表於 2012-5-22 22:45

車路士官方 - 魔獸~離隊 !!

車路士官網 : 正式宣佈告別杜奧巴

Chelsea Football Club can confirm Didier Drogba will be leaving the club when his contract expires at the end of June.
Didier has spent eight years at Chelsea, and everyone at the club would like to thank him for his service and wish him luck and continued success for the future.
Chelsea Chief Executive Ron Gourlay said: 'Didier is undoubtedly a Chelsea legend and will always be part of the Chelsea family. He is certainly leaving on a high after Saturday night but he feels the time is right for a new challenge.
'Of course Didier has contributed so much to all of Chelsea's recent successes. He has been a consummate professional during his entire time here and as one of the natural leaders in our squad he has been an inspiration to a lot of our younger players.
'We have known for some time that this outcome was likely but Didier and the club only made a final decision on that in the last couple of days, because for obvious reasons neither Didier nor the club wanted to distract focus away from the Champions League Final.
'The talks were amicable all the way through and we wish him all the best for the future. He is welcome back to Stamford Bridge at any time - either as a player or as a guest of ours.'
Didier leaves Chelsea having scored 157 goals in 341 appearances. He is the club's fourth all-time highest scorer, his 34 goals in European competition is a Chelsea record by 10 goals and his nine strikes in nine cup finals has contributed immensely to the most successful period in the club's history.
He won three Premier League titles, four FA Cups, two Carling Cups and now, in the most dramatic and glorious of circumstances, the Champions League. He has been named Chelsea's Player of the Year and Players' Player of the Year and won the Premier League Golden Boot twice.
The 34-year-old said: 'I wanted to put an end to all the speculation and confirm that I am leaving Chelsea. It has been a very difficult decision for me to make and I am very proud of what we have achieved but the time is right for a new challenge for me.

'As a team we have accomplished so much and have won every single trophy possible. Saturday was a very special moment for everyone at the club and for all the fans, and I am very proud to have played my part in bringing many trophies to this club, which has been my home for the last eight years.
'I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at the club especially Roman and my team-mates, many of whom have become very close friends and will be my friends for life. I would also like to say a very special thank you to the Chelsea fans who have shown me so much love and support over the years.

raymond430 發表於 2012-5-22 22:50


Joes 發表於 2012-5-22 23:02

No,don't go!!!

timka 發表於 2012-5-23 00:14

魔獸之力真係無人可以取代.....佢真係魔獸既表表者, 暫時都係後無來者

teddyng637 發表於 2012-5-23 00:51


ericcch 發表於 2012-5-23 09:39

杜奧巴係車仔陣中仍可起到好大作用,係車仔損失,起碼短期內無人可取代到佢! ...
raymond430 發表於 2012-5-22 22:50

   絶對認同!!這個年紀仲保持到咁fit, 阿仙奴如果肯買佢就正吖 (幻想中...... )

   以佢目前仲有咁好實力, 去中超真系浪費, 不如去西甲,德甲仲好啦! (不過國內老闆又出得起錢...冇計)

Fabregas 發表於 2012-5-23 19:08


kooon 發表於 2012-5-23 23:04


qqsnk 發表於 2012-5-25 12:46

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