rip碟呀~有排搞,不知搞到何年何月呀~{:6_140:}c兄們要搞幾耐呢? 有幾多隻先?我scan埋個cover平均一粒鐘搞到兩隻啦 我上internet download cover, 快小小
Olive 04HD 公司在美國 好像有rip CD服務?!? 香港有嗎?? 有幾多隻先?我scan埋個cover平均一粒鐘搞到兩隻啦
Jaffeowng911 發表於 2012-5-20 05:15 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
一粒鐘先可以整兩隻咋?{:6_200:} rip碟呀~有排搞,不知搞到何年何月呀~
racky 發表於 20/5/2012 02:02 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Each CD: I use around 5-7 mins for rip a FLAC version and 192 MP3 version, include files move to NAS. (Use internet CD cover){:6_190:} Each CD: I use around 5-7 mins for rip a FLAC version and 192 MP3 version, include files move...
fungl 發表於 2012-5-20 15:39 http://m.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
What software you use? EAC? Be aware of the ripping setting. The default setting rip very fast but lack of accuracy (relatively). I'm use EAC very fast{:1_253:} What software you use? EAC? Be aware of the ripping setting. The default setting rip very fas ...
kenneth_obee 發表於 20/5/2012 15:42 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Keneth Hing,
I using dBPoweramp, FLAC use Lossless Level 8.{:6_238:} 可能我唔識,用flac分唔到track, 我用iTunes轉aiff貪佢原汁原味,又有哂data, 我對木耳聽唔出同CD有咩分別, 我係用CDP同file放nas經dac出,一樣係駁amp比較, 唔通我套嘢太豆泥? 有幾多隻先?我scan埋個cover平均一粒鐘搞到兩隻啦
Jaffeowng911 發表於 2012-5-20 05:15 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
嘩,點解要咁耐?? {:6_200:}
我用dbpoweramp, rip WAV,Accurate Rip有嘅碟15分鐘左右一隻。無嘅就要耐啲。
其實rip碟唔係咁差,最慘係要tag啲WAV files令到啲歌名及封面可以順利由Twonky serve去iPhone度display. FLAC就無呢個問題。