Do you mind tell us the price of fs8 ?
Any booming problem ? Too much bass ? 好正{:6_193:} 第一套的音響已經這麼厲害 好正{:6_193:}加油 回復 1# n-tone
回復 1# n-tone你对后置点拉直呢?
拉唔直㗎!只可以用音量 balance.
對FS8 SE 唔記得,要 check check. :)
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 n-tone 發表於 2012-9-16 19:01 static/image/common/back.gif
拉唔直㗎!只可以用音量 balance.
對FS8 SE 唔記得,要 check check. :)
對FA fS8音色如何? What a beautiful setting!! GOOD...{:6_193:} andylam318 發表於 2013-1-13 22:48 static/image/common/back.gif
對FA fS8音色如何?
It is very good, even with my AV amp setup... but honestly quite busy over the holidays! Didn't really get to sit down and enjoy some music.
maybe getting a slim body 2.0 amp with CDP this year.... {:8_388:}
any recommendations? I need to fit it in my TV cabinet.. only 25cm!