samsung good ar. How about the services after sale? Does it good? It seems not to be good enough if refer to those comments in forum. 6 series 留意畫面有冇漏線(冇色的直線),用咗年零就声大声細,正常找代理f/up! 除非你鐘意食味精,否則真係唔好買*** Samsung 電視tuner 差,sharp x series 60'' excellent
stephenwan 發表於 2012-5-18 15:56
師兄,呢個係我要諗既野,如果加個好d既機頂盒呢? 回復 16# ERIC812
samsung & sony 睇電視塊面有色班. 所以我買咗 sharp 3D TV. 你試清楚samsung & sony. LG LM7600 同 LM8600 好似都唔錯, 都好型下. 而家仲未有決定><
40' / 42' 都得~~~
samsung es7000, 就咁睇我已經滿意, sharp 睇電視好就係人都知, 不過睇碟同3D既效果呢?
LG 我見D畫面同samsung差唔多,,,,,,,,