Diablo3 玩邊個server其實有乜影響?
會唔會玩亞洲見到d Koreans打韓文怪獸字? 又識多樣嘢! {:6_193:}{:6_193:} 我個friend都講得啱:
basically it affects who you can group with and the size of the auction house....we all need to make the same choice....the default is US and i would suggest to stick to that as otherwise we risk a ghost town asia server with nothing on auction
http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/4917621943 揀 US 係因為人多 揀 US 係因為人多
bloodkid 發表於 2012-5-15 12:50 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
冇錯... 多d 野揀, 所以我d friends都話揀US好d 冇錯... 多d 野揀, 所以我d friends都話揀US好d
lemonstar 發表於 2012-5-15 12:52 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
同埋 asian 打機熱度好快過
一年半載後 US 仲會有人玩
asia 的話就鬼影都冇隻 我想問下隻game本身有冇分乜野亞洲版歐美版咁架?
定係隻game得一個版本而係入game時選邊個server就ok? 有幾個人去hmv問有無貨....{:6_138:}
唔知今日邊機會有現貨{:6_175:} 回復 7# liljon852
http://www.post76.com/discuss/viewthread.php?tid=111774&extra=page%3D1 我相信鬼佬server會小D外掛。