聲同ibasso嘅T5有乜唔同 回復 2# win0307
外國評論係呢部JDSLabs C421 全面勝出
Comparison to the Ibasso D-Zero
The C421 is a clear step up from the D-Zero in terms of sound quality. The D-Zero may be the better value amp as it comes with a USB DAC for $109. However, if judging solely from the sound quality, I would go for the C421 clearly for the superior midrange, an overall better treble/midrange/bass balance, and most of all the superior soundstage.
http://www.headfonia.com/flyin-high-jdslabs-c421/3/ 好多玩具{:9_426:} 似乎係中音/人聲特別好
可能同P51有得揮....P51好早放咗 The top one is very interesting {:8_384:} The top one is very interesting
wally 發表於 2012-5-12 21:42 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
quite low price tim, {:1_338:} 回復 7# hkborn
JDS labs c421 review
http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=316049348439769 師兄, 有冇多d c421聽感? 你入的是opa2227? 本帖最後由 hkborn 於 2012-5-23 14:47 編輯
回復 9# guppyguppyguppy
I don't have a time to try, but my son like O2 more after an hour or so comparison. I think it's down to personal taste. yes, it's opa2227