nihilist 發表於 2012-5-9 19:50


本帖最後由 nihilist 於 2012-5-9 19:51 編輯



From England to the United States and back again... it all started as a simple drone project between LULL (aka Mick Harris of Scorn, ex-Napalm Death), and BETA CLOUD (aka Carl Pace), based on the concept of how insomnia can effect your thought patterns. Billows of powerful bass drones set to indistinct flourishes of temporary insanity, it was released as a limited 3" CD in 2008. Now proudly presented in a deluxe digipak edition on cold spring, the original track is there, but also included is a fierce remix track by none other than legendary sound artist Andrew Liles (NURSE WITH WOUND), with stunning new packaging and artwork. Fans of Lull and Beta Cloud will really sink their teeth into this one; what Liles has created here is not a simple remix but a raging, deconstruction as only he can do.

Namlook · Montanà ~ Labyrinth 2
(Pete Namlook & Lorenzo Montanà)

The Labyrinth represents the archetypal fear of the unconscious, an unknown place to discover, the secret way the mind enters into a desolate landscape, the serpentine path towards wholeness and authenticity. The first step is to reach the center, the core of our being and this is only half the journey. One must then find a way out of the labyrinth and back to the outer world. But there are real dangers lying in the labyrinth that can block you or cause you to lose your way in this underworld... such places reflect back to us that which dwells in the deepest, darkest recesses of our own psyche.
In this sense the second collaboration of P.N. with Lorenzo Montanà starts on a very high level that connects the FAX 90s with the sounds of today.
Rhythms and sequences, epic melodies and intense, spheric sounds from a new FAX release that has all the ingredients to soon become a classic.

AtomTM ~ Winterreise

"Winterreise" is the audio soundtrack to a series of photographies with the same name produced by AtomTM. The series was exhibited during 2011 in Tokyo and Frankfurt.

The „Winterreise“ soundtrack may be considered a sequel to the „Liedgut“ (r-n 99) album, in the sense that the resulting photo series was conceived as a consequence of the contextual framework which „Liedgut“ both initiated and provided. „Winterreise“ though, is a far more abstract piece of work, with its accent in soundscapes and textures. With a balance between the romantic and the scientific, this album evokes, not just accompanies the visual aspect of the „Winterreise“ project in a perfect manner, by painting grainy sonic images that visualize the tradition and the future of the romantic subconscious.

Sombre Printemps ~ Ambient & Film Music 1+2

The intriguing music project Sombre Printemps, which Philippe Fichot/Die Form created in 1991 to commemorate the German author and graphic designer Unica Zürn (the project’s name has been taken from one of her books), is now undergoing a spectacular renaissance, 20 years after its inception. On “Ambient & Film Music II“, exceptional artist Fichot yet again takes us on a journey into playful, experimental and surreally tinged sonic worlds. Intricate grooves meet ingenious compositions, wild vocal samples and highly creative sound design in eleven tracks that invade the ears in a disturbing, yet otherworldly beautiful manner. Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Sombre Printemps, the new album receives a classy double-CD-release that also includes the rare and long-deleted first release “Ambient and Film Music”, on which Philippe Fichot created aural experiments that were way ahead of their time, two decades ago. It has been way too long since the creative mind behind Die Form has last allowed us to glimpse into one of the most interesting facets of his creative oeuvre. For fans of Die Form and for aficionados of creative electronic aural art, “Ambient & Film Music II” is an absolute must!

The booklet includes 16 new photograms specially created with algorythmic mathematic composition software, directly inspired by the music.

teddyng637 發表於 2012-5-10 01:58

我對佢唔熟, 但係都恭喜你入到自己心頭好................{:6_142:}{:6_142:}

alibabar 發表於 2012-5-10 02:09

Please post more, tell the story behind the music more.

Thanks {:1_351:}
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