tomatocream 發表於 2012-5-6 21:54

Sony HX920 vs HX850

請問 各位ching 邊部好d ? {:6_196:}

andrew322 發表於 2012-5-6 22:23

HX920! Yeah{:1_351:}

kayulai 發表於 2012-5-6 23:17

I've watched these TVs already.
Last time I watched at Sony store in Causeway Bay.
The salesman played the planet earth(BD) to compare. HX920 must win HX850.
The previous one is more...much more detailed. I could watch more details of the
rocks, mountaions... the image of HX920 is more natural. The black and white colour is more solid than HX850. If you buy 46', I suggest to buy HX920 because the quality of the image and the price is similar now. HX920 is around 17000 in Boardway(the price is 19XXX, with the cash coupon of $2000).

Unfortunately, I want to upgrade to 55'. HX920 55' is $39000. It's more expensive than HX850 55'. So I haven't made my choice.

Ching, Which size do you want?

tomatocream 發表於 2012-5-6 23:30

回復 3# kayulai

諗緊46" or 55", e家係睇緊46", but 又ng g 55" 會ng會太大, 睇落去920 係好似細緻d, but 55" 既920又太貴...好苦惱..{:6_229:}

kayulai 發表於 2012-5-7 00:05

回復 4# tomatocream

I have the same problem.
If u consider 46', HX920 will be the best for me! ( According to the 2D image )
Even HX850 is made in Japan...
HX850 may be better than HX920 in 3D function, but 3D is optional for me, so I won't consider it!
One more thing...HX850 has 800Hz motionflow, meanwhile HX920 has 800 motiomflow. The sales of
Sony store claimed these two functions are same but they have different names only!

manKi 發表於 2012-5-7 00:09

尺寸 vs 發光原理,影像處理級數...預算上,小弟會選大尺寸HX-850 {:6_190:}

tomatocream 發表於 2012-5-7 17:59

回復 5# kayulai

    係啦,都5g點好!btw, motionflow 800 同800hz,有咩分別?

kayulai 發表於 2012-5-8 19:11

回復 7# tomatocream

46' or 55'

tomatocream 發表於 2012-5-8 20:22

回復 8# kayulai


kayulai 發表於 2012-5-8 20:23

回復 9# tomatocream

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