atoll am200 後級
由於manual不見了,個amp有兩個LRinput,但不能選那個入,是否只是用作mono後級? Try go to their web site download the manual la. Unable to find in theri website. Anyone can help?{:1_331:} Unable to find in theri website. Anyone can help?mf3terry 發表於 2012-5-8 10:51
Why not ask hk dealer?
But as far as i know, one set is just used for bridged mono config 回復 4# CyberBB
bridged mono config - Where can find more inf. about this? If I know what is that, then it may solve my question.{:1_352:} 回復 5# skinalchemist
Thank, but only give the inf. of "Double stereo Inputs (RCA)"{:1_248:}