「愛黑膠」系列 - "許冠傑"
許冠傑 - 天才與白痴 7" 細碟 1975值得收藏................{:6_193:}{:6_193:} 呢隻寶麗金''天才與白痴'' 夠經典呀 {:6_193:} so good!!{:9_423:}
「愛黑膠」系列 - "許冠傑"
35ti, 你的系列我統統都係一隻都冇。我們配合得很好!- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 vinylover兄, 客氣了! 大家就一齊推動黑膠吧!
Enjoy the vinyl! My dad had a few Sam's LPs in the past but I don't know when they're lost ................. I still remember he played ''天才與白痴'' and "打雀英雄傳" .....
Is there a Sam compilation LP that you would recommend? 回復 1# 35ti
How much does this single worth now?Look very valuable........
I like 天才白痴往日情 very much but from Leon Lai.Sam's version should be good also but I haven't had the chance to listen to it seriously.