其實小弟幾年前開始上post 76整左套5.1之後就中左毒,而家毒發到 2 channels, 76真係害人不淺{:1_339:}話說小弟之前係房買左機迷你膽機 Dared mp5($2xxx only ) ,一聽就上左癮,同原子粒D聲差好遠{:1_339:}
而家想係廳整多套 膽機+ speaker,師兄可以推介一下嗎?(除了國產還有底玩的膽機嗎?)
小弟中意聽 人聲(女聲{:1_338:} {:1_352:} )
其實機同speaker 價錢點分配先好? 2k speaker 8k膽機?? 定5/5 ?
budget under 一萬 (小弟已有線+cd機)
各位師兄 多多指教 {:1_258:} 師兄喺廳用呀 ?{:1_343:} 回復 1# soundnewer
what speaker are you using for your 5.1 front channels? 回復soundnewer
what speaker are you using for your 5.1 front channels?
tomtomsuccess 發表於 2012-4-29 03:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
敏特聲mordurant short 902, 想換走佢;) 其實小弟幾年前開始上post 76整左套5.1之後就中左毒,而家毒發到 2 channels, 76真係害人不淺
soundnewer 發表於 2012-4-29 02:17 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
除了國產還有底玩的膽機嗎?<== 底玩的膽機只有國產
10k budget 要買哂喇叭同膽機, 建議5/5分拆好d, 5k左右膽機可試麗磁. 本帖最後由 kmc0907 於 2012-4-30 23:30 編輯
我用緊,如聽人聲多,正 回復 1# soundnewer
平玩...好似我甘玩FOSTEX FE166 En全頻喇叭+2A3膽機,總結空氣感強,密度高,包圍感強,人聲離箱. FOSTEX FE166 En全頻喇叭 <-要自己砌><><有complete speaker 賣的嗎 敏特聲mordurant short 902, 想換走佢;)
soundnewer 發表於 2012-4-29 12:40 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Mordaunt Short 902 won the Year of the Best (Best Buy) award from What Hi Fi several years ago. I still keep MS908i as I really like it, especially the mid-range, even I compare it with Sonus Faber Toy. MS sounds especially good for mid-range vocal (natural, good density and sweet) that fits your music taste.
Since your budget is under 10K, changing to anothor speakers might not be a good choice. I suggest that you spend the money on a decent tube amp. Perhaps you can save some of your budget to change power cord, speaker cable. 回復 1# soundnewer
ching 可以試下 Tannoy V1