本帖最後由 RICKYMUI 於 2012-4-29 01:10 編輯今日係旺角wids sight見到可「職業特工隊1~3 BOX-SET」做緊特價、$389咋!有興趣既師兄請留意!(激X死呀!原價買咗三日唔夠、就~~~~~~){:6_159:} 另外在尖沙咀HMV見到隻「魔盜王第四集(單碟版)」都係做緊特價、$99咋!有興趣既師兄都可以留意!特別報告完畢 好介紹!! thank you !! {:1_351:} So funny, boxset 1-3 + bluray 4, is cheapter than boxset 1-4......
( assuming the content is same......) Good News...{:6_193:} 好彩今日入左鐵盒4,冇入boxset thank you........... 謝謝樓主報料~
原來魔4已有單碟版~ So funny, boxset 1-3 + bluray 4, is cheapter than boxset 1-4......
( assuming the content is same... ...
laaa 發表於 2012-4-28 21:05 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
No, the content is different...
boxset Mi-4 係單碟....... 獨立買係雙碟..... Good news{:1_351:}