「愛黑膠」系列 - 梅艷芳
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/463136_228304060608846_213931025379483_352199_1142634272_o.jpg 本帖最後由 a888 於 2012-4-28 15:57 編輯
我又貼. 係梅艷芳當年最多noise 的一張專輯
我又貼. 係梅艷芳當年最多noise 的一張專輯
a888 發表於 2012-4-28 15:52 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Are yours from LP also?Do you use camera or scanner to take the pictures? 回復 3# vinylover
Yes, is LP also, I use scanner to scan all Anita's LP photos.I am her super fans. 我屋企都有隻 woo ! {:6_193:} 回復 4# a888
You have a super large scanner to scan LP?My scanner isn't big enough. 回復 6# vinylover
no la. my scanner is A4 size only, but i scan and combined the images 本帖最後由 a888 於 2012-4-28 21:23 編輯
以下係另一隻LP '似火探戈', 歌詞集超多相, 兩個不同封面.
回復 8# a888
The inside booklet is different for two different covers?I don't have either of the two yet.Big pan!!! {:1_260:} 回復a888
The inside booklet is different for two different covers?I don't have either of...
vinylover 發表於 2012-4-28 21:16 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Yes.different cover with different booklet....so cool!