pbtour4il 發表於 2012-4-25 10:12

American Pie: Reunion【美國處男之孔雀開屏】Blu-ray Disc

本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2012-8-13 14:14 編輯

法版 Street Date: 3 Sep, 2012

wwwbrian 發表於 2012-4-25 10:58


yk0823 發表於 2012-4-25 11:17

呢套片第一 二集有睇過....都好好睇

平就入返一set 再慢慢睇{:1_253:}

AirQQsky 發表於 2012-4-25 11:19

Good, Must buy!!!{:6_193:}

JasonBonds 發表於 2012-4-25 11:32


kenneth529 發表於 2012-4-25 11:36


發表於 2012-5-10 00:32

美版, 201-7-10

發表於 2012-5-10 00:33

美版, 201-7-10
朗 發表於 2012-5-10 00:32 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Bonus features:

•THE "OUT OF CONTROL" TRACK: Throughout the film, Jason Biggs, Sean William Scott, Alyson Hannigan and other cast members pop up on-screen to laugh at, comment and even cut on their fellow cast members.
•THE BEST OF BIGGS - HANGIN' WITH JASON B.: A funny snapshot of life on the American Reunion set as cast and crew reflect on the hilarious experiences they have had working with Jason Biggs.
•LAKE BAKE: Facing scorching heat, page-after-page of script, and yes, even jet-ski stunts, a "day" at the beach stood as one of the production's biggest challenges.
•DANCING WITH THE OZ: Go behind the scenes of Oz's memorable appearance on Celebrity Dance-off! Chris Klein discusses his killer moves, slick sweat suit, and what it took to realize this funny moment from the movie.
•AMERICAN GONAD-IATORS: THE FIGHT SCENE: One of the many ways American Reunion ups the ante is with a goofball throw down as the old dogs (Jim, Oz, and company) and the young bucks (AJ and his crew) go toe-to-toe in Great Falls. The filmmakers take us through what started as a simple line in the script - A fight ensues and the police show up - on to storyboards, crazy choreography, and a half-naked Jason Biggs.
•AMERICAN REUNION YEARBOOK: An interactive yearbook of all of your favorite characters from the American Pie franchise. Select a character and get an overview of that character from the films with "Where Are They Now," cast discussions about the characters, their most embarrassing moment and their favorite activities. A virtual yearbook of who's who, what's what and, most importantly, who did what to who!

tsuiyuen 發表於 2012-5-10 07:36


guly 發表於 2012-5-10 08:01

{:6_193:}. {:6_193:}
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