Dac未買住,sound card暫時用緊onboard,foobar用asio4all
Onboard 點用ASIO呀?wasapi 啦。- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 8# an681020
你有無試過用wasapi? 另外, 你部機既CPU同RAM有幾多? 我之前試過用部N年前T42 NOTEBOOK, 都有你果個問題. Onboard 點用ASIO呀?wasapi 啦。
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tomtomsuccess 發表於 2012-4-25 14:01 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
onboard soundcard 分分鐘連 wasapi 都用唔到{:6_153:} 回復 14# billylwc
I can use wasapi with my notebood onborad sound card. 回復 14# billylwc
係用唔到ASIO姐... 回復 12# tomtomsuccess
係咪即使係foobar插件安裝ASIO4LL等於無用(ONBOARD SOUND CARD計) 回復 16# 44244434589
Asio4all is not a real asio. If is fake. You can google about it. I did not use xp gir a long time, but I am sure u can use wasapi under win7.- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 19# tomtomsuccess
thanks so much! let me try to install WASAPI