入牆電源線 Recommendation
Dear C-Hing,I am starting new construction work in my home and want to install better 入牆電源線 for AV and Hi Fi, can any C-hing recommend me some brand name (model) and where can i buy in HK???
Thx All C-hing 回復 1# doraemon18
師兄唔比個budget出黎, 真係好難比個意見師兄嫁喎.
師兄夠budget既話, 可以用neotech nep-3160既. 回復 2# ropresident
Thx C-hing, my budget is ard $20 to $35 dollar/ ft, I see many C-hing use 派拉利...anyone know where I can find this power cable in Hong Kong ???? and any opinion is highly appreciate.
Thx All C-hing 回復 3# doraemon18
呢個就答唔到師兄您了 回復ropresident
Thx C-hing, my budget is ard $20 to $35 dollar/ ft, I see many C-hing use...
doraemon18 發表於 2012-4-23 23:32 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
你試吓去MK 新填地街近酒店果邊,搵搵D電氣材料鋪問問,
如買唔到用AEI都OK,大家都係英國線黎! 英國線要成紥買貴,少人用,無現貨可以定,BICC都唔錯,其實用Hi End線一歩到位,日後想換係拉唔番出來的,一係叫電工做直喉做25mm,馮轉彎留過路箱,咁日後點玩都得啦。