Oppo 93 or Cambridge Audio 651????
請敎各位師兄, Oppo 93 or Cambridge Audio 651 好呢?Oppo 93 or Cambridge Audio 651????
請敎各位師兄, Oppo 93 or Cambridge Audio 651 好呢?呢兩部機硬件100%相同,所以......買平果部
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 1# andrew322
u'll know soon...... Cambridge Audio 651 651{:6_193:} 價錢差不多的話,應該考慮邊部firmware support 好d~ 你對比下651 / 751同oppo93邊個好d而選邊個吧~ oppo93好似仲可以support到iso file , 651 / 751 唔知仲得唔得, 買時問一下, 雖然你唔一定用, 不過有好過無 :p) I tested both and buy the 651....
651: picture quality are more solid.
If you want to have better sound quality, 751 or 95 is better choice.
I agree 93 is cheaper and not a bad machine at all! Try it before you make the decision!
請敎各位師兄, Oppo 93 or Cambridge Audio 651 好呢?
andrew322 發表於 2012-4-22 18:11 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif 多謝各位師兄意見{:1_347:} 651 la, 依家做緊特價 {:6_122:} 651 la, 依家做緊特價
bbocram 發表於 2012-5-14 00:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif