cambridge 發表於 2012-4-22 11:03

Mirage speakers for Yamaha amp rx-v471

Dear all,

I would like to buy mirage speakers for my amp. Budget is limitied. I will now purchase the center speaker and front speakers first.
People say centre speaker is the most important so I plan to buyOs3-Cc as the centre one. Will it be ok to use Nanosat as the front speakersif I mainly watch drama instead of action movies? Is there a big difference between Os3-Sat Premium Omnipolar Satellite
and Nanosat as front spks? BTW, I have already listened to Os3-CC and Os3-Sat in Tom Lee and I am satisfied with them.
Please also advise where I can buy the cheapest Mirage in HK 'cause those sold in Tom Lee are expensive (if I remember right, CC should cost around $4K sth and Os3-Sat around $48xx)
Many thanks.

alpinweissM 發表於 2012-4-22 16:27

回復 1# cambridge

OS3-CC will be a better center speaker comparing to OS3-Sat because OS3-CC has 2 additional forward firing drivers comparing to OS3-Sat which is one omni directional setup.

If you must buy in HK you can check stores in MK, OS3-Sat should be less that $4k for the pair.
If you don't mind buying overseas, you can check Amazon

cambridge 發表於 2012-4-22 20:49

回復 2# alpinweissM

    Thank you for the suggestion. But how about the front speakers? Is it ok if I use Nanosat instead of Os3?
   Can anyone suggest places for buying the speakers?

netgouki 發表於 2012-4-23 12:24

Mirage speakers for Yamaha amp rx-v471

本帖最後由 netgouki 於 2012-4-23 12:26 編輯

I used to own nanosat and os3. OS3 provide larger power, sound density and lower frequency response than nanosat. You should choose depends on your room size and I think nanosat is good enough for up to 100 sqft. For the low end frequency response, even os3 will need the help of a good subwoofer. Hope you find my advice useful. Have fun.

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

vtl 發表於 2012-4-23 14:40

In -
Os-cc should cost around $24xx including shipping
and a pair of Os3-Sat around $28xx including shipping

cambridge 發表於 2012-4-23 19:47

回復 5# vtl [/b
    Thank you for the adbice. I have ordered speakers from amazon and thre were problems with them. It's bad experience to me though I agree that the price is really lower.

alpinweissM 發表於 2012-4-24 00:40

matching OS3-CC and OS3-Sat will probably be more uniform but I think it would be ok too with Nanosat

you can try out Mirage at Tomlee show room (beware of the other poison there though haha)
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