darren14 發表於 2009-4-9 18:46

新手amazon 買blu-ray 一問

我應該揀邊個shipping speed?同埋買呢幾隻既話化唔化算? 會唔會香港買都有? 價錢差幾多? 唔該師兄們幫幫手呀 ~ thanks

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Please note: Your order contains at least one Region 1 (Canada and U.S.) encoded DVD. Region 1 DVDs might not play in DVD players sold in the country where this order is being shipped. Please also note that some Region 1 DVDs contain a Regional Coding Enhancement. Some of our international customers have had problems playing these enhanced discs on their “region-free” DVD players. Learn more about DVD region encoding and formats. To modify your order, edit the quantities below.

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The Shawshank Redemption (Blu-ray Book) - Tim Robbins
$19.99 - Quantity: 1 - In Stock
Condition: New
Sold by: Amazon.com, LLC
Troy - The Director's Cut - Brad Pitt
$18.99 - Quantity: 1 - In Stock
Condition: New
Sold by: Amazon.com, LLC
The Chronicles of Narnia Blu-ray Bundle (Amazon Exclusive) - The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
$37.99 - Quantity: 1 - In Stock
Condition: New
Sold by: Amazon.com, LLC
頁: [1]
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