NAS usb--> dac 聽歌時有"達達聲"?
Ching們...最近入左隻DACMAGIC plus, 由Synology NAS USB直入DAC時聽歌果陣會有達達聲, 但用NOTEBOOK USB(同一條USB)入DAC 同Blu ray player同軸入DAC
就冇事, 想問下係咪隻NAS唔夾個DAC所以會咁呢?之前用YBA WD202就冇呢個問題(本來好鐘意YBA既音色但用左兩日就燒左...想換新又冇貨....)...
係咪應該買個converter改由NAS usb轉同軸先入DAC呢?
THANKS ALL!! Ching們...
最近入左隻DACMAGIC plus, 由Synology NAS USB直入DAC時聽歌果陣會有達達聲, 但用NOTEBOOK USB( ...
gabeal 發表於 2012-4-16 09:37
From what you describe, it seems like either the USB part of the Dac has problem or the driver of Synology NAS has bug. You can try:
1. Use notebook or PC to play the same song with DAC, if no problem, it proves the USB part of the DAC is ok
2. "borrow" a "usb to coaxial" box to try NAS -> usb2coaxial -> dac, if ok, then buy one. Otherwise, it is driver of NAS that has problem. 回復 2# kenneth_obee
I had been try 1 alreay, it's work~
seems I need to buy a convertor to try method 2, thanks ching!! 回復kenneth_obee
I had been try 1 alreay, it's work~
seems I need to buy a convertor to try me ...
gabeal 發表於 2012-4-16 09:50
oh I see!