reddog 發表於 2012-4-16 01:43

Dune HD Max , Kaiboer K860i

兩部都過$3K , K860i 會平幾佰, 想玩media player ,又玩藍光牒,應該點揀 ?

ac388 發表於 2012-4-16 11:09

At this kind of price, I rather pay a bit more n get an Opp93. Just make sure it is still with old firmware that can play BDiso.

I had a lot of bad memories on those brand, especially waiting for a long long time for them to release a new firmware to fix those bugs. For Oppo, they usually fix them before u even ask. Plus, Oppo is far superior in build n picture quality.

myblue 發表於 2012-4-16 13:45

At this kind of price, I rather pay a bit more n get an Opp93. Just make sure it is still with old f ...
ac388 發表於 2012-4-16 11:09

請教Ching, 咁部pch C300 同oppo 93又點比?. 另外係唔係兩部都bluray 讀全區? tks!

ac388 發表於 2012-4-16 15:05

本帖最後由 ac388 於 2012-4-16 15:07 編輯

回復 3# myblue

    I never have the C300 so cannot comment. However if u have been reading in Hk or overseas forum, many use Oppo asthe current industry reference standard in way of picture n sound . 93 n 95 are not all-code bluray but can play disc from HK, Japan n U.S.. However, u can buy some aftermarket chipset(about US$120) to turn them into all-code bluray.

ming 發表於 2012-4-16 16:30


jasugun 發表於 2012-4-16 17:15

dune hd max衰在冇3D

ihmcjacky 發表於 2012-4-16 17:50

HD MAX同860 chipset唔同,應該用同係sigma既760比吧?

reddog 發表於 2012-4-16 19:46

HD MAX同860 chipset唔同,應該用同係sigma既760比吧?
ihmcjacky 發表於 2012-4-16 17:50


ihmcjacky 發表於 2012-4-16 20:42

回復 8# reddog

reddog 發表於 2012-4-16 22:37

回復 9# ihmcjacky

    係噃,咁比公平,咁比 K760i 抵玩好多,平1k.
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