Blackdog530 發表於 2012-4-15 23:36

Power amp distortion

Can any ching help me please!!!{:9_433:}

When I play bluray with hdmi, my power amp sounds fine, no noise at all.

But when I play the sound from cd, apple tv, or even build in tuner from the amp, the power amp will produce some very very loud and annoying noise (kinda sound like current).

I tried to reconnect those cables, power cord, even switch places already.

Any suggestion!?!?!?{:9_419:}

Pre-amp is 905 (is there any setting I have to do to let it know itself is just a pre-amp)?
Power amp is Rx7 (with all 7 channels used)
speaker cables are some very think monster cable
Power cord for power amp is the come with one, 905 with in-wall

Thank You!!

Blackdog530 發表於 2012-4-15 23:44

BTW, I am using the ISOL-8 for the 905, apple tv, player, and projector.But I unplugged everything except the 905 to try with the FM turner, still happened like b4...

plnl88 發表於 2012-4-16 01:23

本帖最後由 plnl88 於 2012-4-16 01:58 編輯

BTW, I am using the ISOL-8 for the 905, apple tv, player, and projector.But I unplugged everything ...
Blackdog530 發表於 2012-4-15 23:44
你甩埋隻 ISOL-8。
牆蘇齋插隻 905 ,
如果一樣有電流聲即係 905 有事要入廠。
記得用番跟機線試一次,再用 JPS 試一次。

avlam 發表於 2012-4-16 01:49

你甩埋隻 ISOL-8。
牆蘇齋插隻 905 ,
如果一樣有電流聲即係 905 有事要入廠。 ...
plnl88 發表於 2012-4-16 01:23

咁即係邊 part 有問題?{:6_198:}

plnl88 發表於 2012-4-16 01:56

咁即係邊 part 有問題?
avlam 發表於 2012-4-16 01:49
唔知架。可能有 CAP 出左事。
你諗下,乜都無駁,齋開自己隻 FM turner 都有明顯電流聲,

avlam 發表於 2012-4-16 02:14

唔知架。可能有 CAP 出左事。
你諗下,乜都無駁,齋開自己隻 FM turner 都有明顯電流聲,
即是唔關線的地 ...
plnl88 發表於 2012-4-16 01:56


plnl88 發表於 2012-4-16 02:24

avlam 發表於 2012-4-16 02:14
唔關聽唔聽收音機事,可能係駁乜入 905 到有事。

avlam 發表於 2012-4-16 02:26

唔關聽唔聽收音機事,可能係駁乜入 905 到有事。
plnl88 發表於 2012-4-16 02:24


gikifk 發表於 2012-4-16 07:02


Blackdog530 發表於 2012-4-16 15:22

回復 3# plnl88

    Thank you for your suggestions!! Taking the ISOL out of the system is my next step, but I need to find my original cord for my 905 first...
But I will find it and try it tonite, thx.
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