如果對返HKD後價錢相約, 那大家會選擇英遜or美遜, 運費邊面送HK會平D同packing邊面會好D?
第一次海外網購! THXXX 美遜㔻均us$5一套運費,英遜一套1.59鎊運費再均分2.09鎊共同費用,所以英遜較平運費。 ching, the shipping of amazon uk is quicker than us THQ兩位大大! Nvm, remember to share what you have bought {:1_253:} Nvm, remember to share what you have bought
evafan 發表於 2012-4-15 20:48 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
唔知要幾多日先送到黎呢, 係送上門定去郵局拎呀?{:1_258:} it depends on the size of your parcel la most likely, you will receive it within one week 想知幾錢, 可以睇下置頂POST..... 多謝提醒, 個POST好正@@