Ken704 發表於 2012-4-13 16:26

日本AV女優團 惠比壽 《Ebisu Muscats》出新單曲 Honey Trap

本帖最後由 Ken704 於 2012-4-13 16:32 編輯

日本AV女優團惠比壽《Ebisu Muscats》出新單曲Honey Trap(只出日版)

日本AV女優團惠比壽《Ebisu Muscats》出新單曲 Honey Trap (只出日版)


Limited A (¥1700)

1. Honey to Rap♪
2. Katte ni Gonzalez
3. Honey to Rap♪ (off vocal)
4. Katte ni Gonzalez (off vocal)

1. Honey to Rap♪ (music video)

Limited B (¥1700)

1. Honey to Rap♪
2. Go Go…Purukawa
3. Honey to Rap♪ (off vocal)
4. Go Go…Purukawa (off vocal)

1. Go Go…Purukawa (music video)

Limited C (¥1700)

1. Honey to Rap♪
2. Okaasan
3. Honey to Rap♪ (off vocal)
4. Okaasan (off vocal)

1. Okaasan (music video)

Regular (¥1000)

1. Honey to Rap♪
2. Okaasan
3. Honey to Rap♪ (off vocal)
4. Okaasan (off vocal)

Idol unit Ebisu Muscats will release their 6th single “Honey Trap♪” on March 28th. It will be their first single since transferring record labels to Pony Canyon. To help promote the single they have exposed preview videos for both the title track and one of the coupling tracks “Okaasan”. All the release details on the single and the preview music videos follow,

The new single comes in 4 editions, Limited A with coupling track “Katte ni Gonzalez” and bonus DVD with music video for title track “Honey Trap♪”, Limited B with coupling track “Go Go…Purukawa” and bonus DVD with music video for the coupling track, Limited C with coupling track “Okaasan” and bonus DVD with music video for the coupling track, and a Regular CD-only edition with track list same as Limited C version.

Ebisu Muscats – “Honey Trap♪” - release date March 28th 2012

teddyng637 發表於 2012-4-13 16:41

都好都可以止住咳先, 因為都等咗好耐先有新單曲.............{:8_394:}{:8_394:}

agic 發表於 2012-4-13 16:43


jt24 發表於 2012-4-13 17:49


sunboy 發表於 2012-4-13 18:06

agic 發表於 2012-4-13 16:43

    大長老,咁多紅天使喎{:9_430:} ........啱唔啱呀!{:9_407:}

Ken704 發表於 2012-4-13 18:13

jt24 發表於 2012-4-13 17:49


wfwong 發表於 2012-4-13 19:14


yk0823 發表於 2012-4-14 00:50

{:6_193:}{:1_351:}{:1_335:} GOOD!!!

ctwdavid 發表於 2012-4-14 00:53

日本AV女優團惠比壽《Ebisu Muscats》出新單曲Honey Trap(只出日版)

日本AV女優團惠比壽《Ebisu Muscat ...
Ken704 發表於 2012-4-13 16:26


perrybeckham 發表於 2012-4-14 01:09

日本AV女優團 惠比壽 《Ebisu Muscats》出新單曲 Honey Trap

仲未落mk吖,連ken哥都出好嘢~明天早d落去入先,今曰喺CDW 又未見有,反而入左近年另一個偶像•••

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