Any laptop in server grade ??
Any Expert know that any laptop in server grade ? Any Expert know that any laptop in server grade ?sniper 發表於 13/4/2012 08:57
What u meaning of Server grade??I think the best is workstation only...just i think {:6_141:} 點先叫 server grade 既 laptop. server 大多數 7x24 運作仲行一對有咩事 fail-over ...你唔會搵隻 notebook 咁做架嘛.
如果你只係想耐用硬件強. 是但揀個牌子買最貴就可以喇.{:8_402:} 回復 3# ivanyiu
I meant each external ports e.g. each USB(2./30) , Esata , firewiregain its max speed when these ports are connected. On other
words, each of these port has its own channel . Or may be I am dreaming of that product. 回復ivanyiu
I meant each external ports e.g. each USB(2./30) , Esata , firewiregain its m ...
sniper 發表於 2012-4-13 12:45
This is the very first time i heard about that a laptop with USB 3.0 .... firewire, esata interface is classified as server grade ...... {:9_418:} 不如...買一部最最最易拆既notebook.然後按自己要求自己去換份邊野(要有好既強焊接功夫,及還原技能).{:9_429:}
國內好多同胞都咁玩緊啦...{:8_390:} 回復 5# ivanyiu
***MAINLY ON ITS OWN CHANNELS **** NOT JUST THESE PORTS , HAVE YOU CLEARLY WATCHED THE WORDINGS ??? You can buy a laptop with Express Cardslot for your I/O media. 回復 6# sonic310
It is diffcult -- it is the mainbroad design issue, each connection on its own channel. For workstation, some mainbroad designs are
suited my requirement, but I do not find any in notebook mainbroad design like that.
I just want to know any experts can have much more wide eyes than me and let me know. 回復 8# lego_cyris
Pls. give me example for the brand name , Thanks.