eric_on 發表於 2012-4-12 22:23

cambridge audio 851C

本帖最後由 eric_on 於 2012-4-12 22:32 編輯

今期FI-HI音響講到好正, 大家點睇。呢個價錢買到旗艦機, 又可以做DAC又真係幾吸引....真係有D心動。

The Azur 851C, meanwhile, combines conventional CD player functions with a range of digital inputs and preamplifier functions giving level and channel balance control on its analogue outputs for direct connection to a power amplifier or active speakers.
It uses twin Analog Devices current-output DACs in dual differential mode, along with upsampling to 24-bit/384kHz using a 32-bit Black Fin digital signal processor.
As well as two conventional digital inputs, each offering the choice of optical or electrical connection, it has an AES/EBU digital input and output, plus a 24-bit/96kHz driverless asynchronous USB input, which can also handle 24-bit/192kHz files using a free Cambridge Audio driver on the connected PC.
There's a choice of three digital filters, and the same control and input-naming options offered by the 851A amplifier, and not forgetting CD quality, the player uses an S3 Custom CD Servo drive designed in-house by Cambridge Audio - this is a dedicated CD transport, rather than the 'universal' computer-use disc drives found in most modern CD players.

ropresident 發表於 2012-4-12 23:50

而家呢部折實要幾錢到呀 ?

不過小弟聽有d師兄講佢始終都係改唔到上代最大既缺點, 而且耐用度係問題, 唔知消息有幾堅啦?

喜喜天使 發表於 2012-4-13 00:50

而家呢部折實要幾錢到呀 ?

不過小弟聽有d師兄講佢始終都係改唔到上代最大既缺點, 而且耐用度係問題, 唔知 ...
ropresident 發表於 2012-4-12 23:50


chuwing 發表於 2012-4-13 02:31

回復 1# eric_on


eric_on 發表於 2012-4-13 09:13

回復 2# ropresident


Lester 發表於 2012-4-13 10:07


eric_on 發表於 2012-4-13 09:13

萬九? 太過份啦! {:8_366:}

ropresident 發表於 2012-4-13 11:25

回復 6# Lester


pareto 發表於 2012-4-13 12:22

本帖最後由 pareto 於 2012-4-13 12:28 編輯

響德發見到公價HKD13500, 老闆話有意的話可以再平啲。不過因為唔係我杯茶,所以無問實價。老闆仲話新Amp 851A就快出, 公價售價都會係13500

avlam 發表於 2012-4-13 12:26


Lester 發表於 2012-4-13 12:42

響德發見到公價HKD13500, 老闆話有意的話可以再平啲。不過因為唔係我杯茶,所以無問實價。老闆仲話新Amp 85 ...
pareto 發表於 2012-4-13 12:22

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