EMI Classics new SACDs 10款
大鑊又破財咁快入左手?我隻仲係日本未寄到來{:6_148:} These are EU versions, not Japan These are EU versions, not Japan
ant9284 發表於 2012-4-10 09:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Hi ching, where to buy? How much per cd? I want to know where you buy its set of CD. Please inform me 本帖最後由 ant9284 於 2012-4-12 21:17 編輯
they should be easy to find at all major retailers including the usual MK stores
$195 - $265 HKR charges $100 more for the 4CD titles! 幾銀隻?我上HXX.CO.JP,約150一隻
同埋呢SET係歐版,日版要近300一隻 回復 9# moliu
$160-$170 fordouble disc sets
$230 for three disc sets
$270 for four disc sets