回覆 PM ... 合適 Liuto 的合併 Amp ( Livebread )
Dear Jadis chingi am a new hifi learner and recently purchase SF Liuto to listen female voice, piano and orchestra music.
I have not yet decide the amp.As the market has so many different amp, I am narrow down to a few amps below after the consultation with other senior c-hing and try out.I am not sure which product should i select.
choices are
- Octave v70 or Octave v80
- Accountic Art power ES
- Goldmund 390.2
- Electrocompaniets ECI 5 or ECI 5 mkII
Also which speaker cable should i use to connect the speaker & amp under the value for money purpose (as budget is limited)
many thanks
Livebread 兄, 先謝信任。
相信 Livebread 兄選購得 Sonus Faber Liuto, 亦很清楚 Liuto 的聲音特性, 和我曾在此對 Sonus Faber 的一些報導吧, 而事實上 Liuto是有能力保持SF 傳統之餘, 亦能加強其活力和躍動感, 我曾聽過不少人說 SF 喇叭較斯文, 聽絃樂一流, 聽 Jazz 或 pop 略遜一點, 而著實我亦認同一半, 但當聽過 Liuto後, 大部份人都會改變此一觀念, 在此大前提下推介合併機, 在列表中只有Octave v80 是膽機, 再說, 在你列舉的幾部機中都有唔同性質和特性, 以 Livebread 兄聽開 piano and orchestra music 下, 可以到代理聽聽 Octave V80 和 Goldmund 390.2, 評估 Livebread 兄家居在港常見的100呎內(用作聽歌地方), 窨當 Liuto 擺位正確, 其實一部更平的 Cayin Spark MT-40 已可迫出 Liuto 應有的潛力, 但如果只能在列表中選擇, 個人音色偏愛下, 會為妳選 Octave V80 和 Goldmund 390.2 !
喇叭線在有限的預算下, 可選一些清勁明快特性的喇叭線, 用以均衡 Liuto 的潤澤, 可在 AudioQuest, XLO, TaraLabs, Madson中選合適預算的型號。
Jadis~ 回復 1# Jadis
Dear jadis c hing,
Thanks for your reply.The liuto is arrived and brought the octave v80 from a nice c hing.Both now start work together in my home. Currently I just put the amp on the floor.Would it cause any damage ? Should I buy a rack?
The next step would be the cdp.It is a fun experience to learn.Let's enjoy the music
Many thanks
Livebread 如果家中沒有寵物, 小朋友, 能獨立單獨擺放, 這是最好的做法, 但就建議找一個矮的實木架承放, 這樣絕對比直接放在地上更好, 地下有地氣水氣, 對音色之鮮明度有影響, 加上衛生、整潔, 快快找來一個木架承起吧 !
#木座頂面板必須闊於 V80, 矮矮哋離地3吋左右而可以.
Jadis~ 本帖最後由 kenneth_obee 於 2012-4-11 07:33 編輯
Dear jadis c hing,
Thanks for your reply.The liuto is arrived and brought the octav ...
Livebread 發表於 2012-4-11 02:18 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Agree with Jadis, putting on the floor is the best sound!
你真係多位, 可以放地下... 回復 3# Jadis
Dear Jadis c-hing,
Thanks C-hing.Any good suggestion on products? Let me do more research on this.
Best regards,
Quincy 回復 4# kenneth_obee
Dear Kennth c-hing,
No. Space is quite limited. Now temporary put the amp on the floor in the front of my TV set.Always hope have chance to switch into a bigger flat in future.
Livebread 回復kenneth_obee
Dear Kennth c-hing,
No. Space is quite limited. Now temporary put the amp on...
Livebread 發表於 2012-4-11 21:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Why don't u post a photo of your hifi? The current setup is temporarily completed.Will send you by pm The current setup is temporarily completed.Will send you by pm
Livebread 發表於 2012-4-12 01:07 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Nice! PM is better. {:6_178:} 回復 3# Jadis
Jadis hing, 我最近想換speaker. 在不同web sites見到好多人用sf liuto, 覺得sf d speaker 應該好正, 所以我上星期到MK友x去試liuto. 佢地用左三款amp(roksan, marantz, cyrus)黎推liuto比我聽, 但係全部都衰聲到嚇人. 都唔知係d amp 差定對speaker未煲好定係其他原因, 亦有網友話就算去代理度試結果都一樣, 我都唔先可以知道liuto得唔得同啱唔啱自己, 想請教你意見