照睇樓主仲心大心細, 都係等佢試多D唔同既機先, 再作決定. 關於TRIANGLE問題, 我再PM你. 回復avlam
照睇樓主仲心大心細, 都係等佢試多D唔同既機先, 再作決定. 關於TRIANGLE問題, 我 ...
dunce 發表於 2012-4-10 12:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
ok !{:1_249:} i tried several diffferent brands of amp to push triangle.
1. pass lab
2. Chord
3. diy tube - 4 x kt 88(tried different vintage tubes) with tamura 'cow cow'
4. atoll
5. AA
6. Mark
i agreed with Dunce ching said, it is difficult to make triangle bass nice. may be i am too fuzzy.
you need more time and heart for this, that's why triangle has more fun to play with. thank you all ching and give me so many recommendation. btw, where can i test modwright? really 心大心細 ga. cuz if i choose a wrong one, it's very difficult to let my boss to buy another one..... thank you all ching and give me so many recommendation. btw, where can i test modwright?
andylam67 發表於 2012-4-10 19:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
http://www.audioextreme.hk/webapps/product_02.php?RecordID=207 本帖最後由 ckw3031 於 2012-4-10 19:23 編輯
really 心大心細 ga. cuz if i choose a wrong one, it's very difficult to let my boss to buy another o ...
andylam67 發表於 2012-4-10 19:13 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Int Amp for Triangle Altea
我試過Triangle trio, 高音號角好正,不過低音覺得難玩。最後買咗TOY TOWER.- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 39# avlam
Agree! 回復avlam
貔貅 發表於 2012-4-10 22:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我唔信 !{:6_138:}