以前已經有前輩用3/5a上下一對作啞鈴式擺放發聲,當然音壓,聲音密度也會増加,但連在一起后會改變了阻抗數,使擴音機負荷大増,要有大功率及阻尼系數高之擴音機才能勝任。一得一失,你要考慮。- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 yes.my speakers are rectangle. however there are kids and pets and in case of any accident, the speakers hurts them and themselves.
i used 350w power amp to push them. and should use same brand of speaker cables to connect them. yes.my speakers are rectangle. however there are kids and pets and in case of any accident, the spea ...
matt 發表於 2012-4-11 01:49 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
用 blu-tack 係4個角度黏一黏得唔得? yes it can. but still danger and 2 speakers add together are quite high.