PAN TH-P50VT30H vs TH-P55VT31C
本帖最後由 specialoneone 於 2012-4-7 07:01 編輯I want to buy a pan 3D PLASMA TV, the price in SZ is much cheaper than that in HK. Can anyone tell me the differences of spec between TH-P50VT30H and TH-P55VT31C? THANKS IN ADVANCE. 31C 不能用外置 HD 錄影
(VT30 可以, 不過錄影緊又唔可以轉台, HD 不可以抄落 PC, 如果 VT30 壞咗整完有可能 READ 唔返 HDDATA)
31C 菜單簡体同英文
vt30 有五年保 Wait the 2012 model!!! VT50 is coming!!!!! 要6月{:1_255:} 等VT50啦{:6_142:}