港版鐵盒 (龍紋身的女孩) (實物圖)
個價唔貴喎- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 9# tonyfok
They told me that only got one steelbook at the shop. You should call them before you go. IFC都買貢平!正 回復 8# shark.l
Ching, what's the name of the shop ar ?
THank you 回復 14# herbertluk
Disc Plus{:6_182:} 旺角未見! 回復 15# shark.l
Still available ? 回復 17# herbertluk
You should called them & check. I called already and they said sold out !!
Really fast
Anyway thanks CHing Hmv已返貨!$319