Act of Valor【海豹突擊隊】Blu-ray Disc / DVD
加版 Street Date: 5 Jun, 2012
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 最好有中字...{:9_421:} 哩隻如果有鐵盒加中字...貴一貴都會買...{:6_146:} 我想問依套系好似記錄片形式,定系真系有劇情架呢???/ 我想問依套系好似記錄片形式,定系真系有劇情架呢???/
ericcch 發表於 2012-5-17 14:07
好似係故仔, 唔係記錄片. 全部係老作既. 但當中好多情節係真實戰術運用, 以及有某某鏡頭同近年一位戰死既Navy Seal成員英勇戰死既情況一樣(爆炸果幕?). 當然成件事唔可以由頭到尾好detail咁拍出黎啦.
我諗玩war game果幾位師兄最清楚喇.... {:6_238:}
Act of Valor【海豹突擊隊】Blu-ray Disc / DVD
本帖最後由 law1987 於 2012-5-17 14:27 編輯
好睇,可惜係鐳射發行,BD個包裝唔方靚。(~_~;) 好似係故仔, 唔係記錄片. 全部係老作既. 但當中好多情節係真實戰術運用, 以及有某某鏡頭同近年一位 ...
sclendan 發表於 2012-5-17 14:21
Michael Monsoor Michael Monsoor
post76funfun 發表於 2012-5-17 15:01
哦, 原來係佢, 佢好似最尾拎埋Medal of Honor, 唔知係咪呢? 哦, 原來係佢, 佢好似最尾拎埋Medal of Honor, 唔知係咪呢?
sclendan 發表於 2012-5-17 16:54
..... On September 29, 2006 an insurgent threw a grenade onto a rooftop where Monsoor and several other SEAL and Iraqi soldiers were positioned. Monsoor quickly smothered the grenade with his body, absorbing the resulting explosion and saving his comrades from serious injury or death. Monsoor died 30 minutes later from serious wounds caused by the grenade explosion.......