師兄我上次都聽過257,聽得好舒服,有d中毒既跡像{:6_139:} 其實想問下257 同 249 我買邊對好
依家心大心細.... 回復 52# bb2002
但兩皮幾嘢{:6_168:} 可以247+241囉 回復 53# gsir
睇吓自己需要,又係最基本問題$$$$$${:6_206:} 我無話 PMC 唔正呀
不過諗住夾返成套 ELAC 啫
kimcity 發表於 2012-4-5 23:33 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
好! {:6_193:} i gotta say, my elac bs244 took much longer time than i expected to run in properly. i bought on 28th March, for the first week of listening, so many weak notes and some pitches could not output properly, the whole listening experience was not so enjoyable, and sounds a bit messy. i was comparing with my KEF Q300 at that time, my Q300 outperformed alot better. now after over 2 weeks of running (almost over 120 hours), my bs244 now sounds alot more solid and crystal clear. no more messy pitches, and it does sound like a $10K + speaker, whereas two weeks ago it sounded like a $2k speaker. my Q300 only took several days to run in, German stuff is real hard core, but once you get into it, you get what you pay for. i gotta say, my elac bs244 took much longer time than i expected to run in properly. i bought on 28t ...
!替天行道! 發表於 2012-4-16 12:18 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Totally agreed! My FS247 is almost 150hr run in for now. it is keep improving every day!
Elac FS257 入手
師兄,之前有冇聽過247 be 同257既分別?- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 Elac 247 好靚仔{:6_193:}