想買Cambridge Audio DAC Magic
請問師兄邊道有得買同試呢? THX。 my Dacmagic 100 and ID100 buy at Michael's audioThey can offer you some good price if you buy both via EPS or cash (我部2個一齊買4千有找) 我都係beginner,抵玩woo! 抵玩!!! Stylish. what is ID 100?
And only one shop selling?I am not really like that shop... anyone tried to compare TEAC HD-H01 and CA Dac Magic Plus? thx! what is ID 100?
And only one shop selling?I am not really like that shop...
baros05 發表於 2012-4-2 23:24 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
DACmagic 100 + iD100
唔好買.好一般.音場平過飛機場 唔好買.好一般.音場平過飛機場
伏喱哩 發表於 2012-4-3 09:45 http://m.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
"平過飛機場" - 好比喻, 其實佢有 potential, 我聽過 mod 左嘅音場立體好多!
不過唔係我 mod, 我唔識.
Re: [CAS] 想買Cambridge Audio DAC Magic
既然一定要mod先得, 咁不如揀個唔洗mod都得嘅- 發送自我的 GT-S5570 大板凳應用