黑膠唱片回顧(1) 黃敏華 城市魅力
本帖最後由 yk0823 於 2012-8-24 15:15 編輯近日聽返舊黑膠 同各Ching分享一下
此黑膠最好聽係: 悟 魅力 黃敏華太耐, 我都唔記得出過黑膠唱片........{:6_182:}{:6_182:} 我記得黃敏華有首叫"堤岸",
真係超級好聽,曲詞俱佳. I still have the original cassette.Will this ever come on on CD? 黄小姐唱歌係冇呼吸聲{:6_193:} I'm still looking for her old CD...............{:6_142:} 回復 6# sunboy
黃敏華 Extended Disco Remix (3吋CD限量版) 回復 6# sunboy
挑戰 (EMI 復黑版) 回復sunboy
挑戰 (EMI 復黑版)
spencerchan1 發表於 2012-3-30 22:37 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Can't find one now..........even the second hand............{:6_190:} 回復 9# sunboy