derekwyw 發表於 2012-4-8 14:11

回復 49# Alman

    師兄可以去呢度look look , free delivery,大部份都可以第二日送貨,

Alman 發表於 2012-4-8 14:12

回復 50# KING


Alman 發表於 2012-4-8 14:18

回復 51# derekwyw
Thank you

Alman 發表於 2012-4-19 12:05

Hey brothers,

I've almost done my shopping here after working very hard.The tools and materials for diy are way more cheaper than those in Canada. Like I bought a very basic multer meter - it cost HK28 (already good enough for me).But a basic one in Canada cost over HK80 including tax!A solder iron tip here cost HK8.That in Canada cost HK25!

I bought Jungle power cable and 3.5.Terminated them here and then bring them back to CA.I can use them immediiately after my feet getting into the house.{:1_352:}I also bought VH audio Flavor 4 power cable - good for sand-filled power cable.Wow! I love HK.

Yet, I find the food is really expensive.I have to spend a lot every day.

I enjoy this trip.Thank you for all your information.
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