xperia s 有問題請教
小弟係明朝人{:6_202:} , 早兩日先人生第一次出smartphone, 用左兩日有問題想請教, 就係要點set 個英文輸入先唔會有佢自己彈出黎既聯想字, 連自己用過既password 都照出, 咁樣一唔見左電話好易死架喎...同埋要唔要裝d 防毒軟件又或者一d 會clean 哂d passwd, privacy 之類既apps 呢?
thxthxthx! {:6_195:} Ching, I am using the Xperia Arc, hope the setting are the same la
Go to Setting -> Language & keyboard -> International keyboard -> test input settings
Just check or uncheck those options.
Hope it helps. Ching, I am using the Xperia Arc, hope the setting are the same la
Go to Setting -> Language & keyb ...
Blackdog530 發表於 2012-3-31 12:53
thx ching, 尋晚終於搞掂...