70" TV....how will you choose?
So my mother in-law insist of buying a 70inch TV...she visit Fortre$$ and Bordway only.From what she said, only SHARP 70" and LG 72" make such big screen.
She is leaning toward the Sharp TV....
Can any brother give some advice ???
the 70" sharp is listed at 88K
while the 60" sony is listed at 44K
so crazy....{:1_348:} 我寧願賣65"等離子電視都係四萬幾{:6_238:} 嘩,ching你位mother in-law好識嘆喎{:6_128:} 性價比低 真識嘆~~
如果買70吋,番大陸買最底,起碼平一半. Not worthy it, I will buy projector instead.....
70" TV....how will you choose?
你外母住千尺豪宅?- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 對於我, 有d遙不可及{:1_260:} 對於我, 有d遙不可及
timehill 發表於 2012-3-27 15:52 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
信好多人都係" 遙不可及"!!{:6_136:} 我有個親戚都買左半年喇(在深圳買港幣約$30000),70"真係好大,買左之後部投影都好少開,佢住1400尺豪宅