sonus faber liuto + melody super 34
我明天出差,最快星期六- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 買Liuto啦,反正你買Liuto定TT都係要繼續投放好多,俾個機會自己享受下好野嘛!
買左Liuto後 ...
nicknick 發表於 2012-3-21 02:24
咁又係喎,還都要投放,就直上Liuto,唔駛日後再up來up去。 回復umojim
借問聲,再高一級嘅 Cremona Monitor M 有冇 c hing 試過,how much 呢? ...
SkyGeo 發表於 2012-3-21 11:28
好似要$6xxxx 喂兩位,介唔介意預埋我?
kenneth_obee 發表於 2012-3-21 11:32
等等tom兄返泥再約,我自己就買線,順便大家出泥吹吹水 I think buying Liuto could give you more room and time for future upgrade....
Heavier ,bigger and more handsome than TT.
You should stand firm and buy Liuto first. I think buying Liuto could give you more room and time for future upgrade....
Heavier ,bigger and mo ...
bobpinpin 發表於 2012-3-21 12:51
Agree..... 我只想買個岩SUPER34 嘅SPEAKER, 唔想不斷升級. 我唔想俾音響玩, 只想聽音樂. I will buy toy tower. 我只想買個岩SUPER34 嘅SPEAKER, 唔想不斷升級. 我唔想俾音響玩, 只想聽音樂. I will buy toy tower. ...
tomtomsuccess 發表於 2012-3-21 22:35
買咗請我黎欣賞下。 我只想買個岩SUPER34 嘅SPEAKER, 唔想不斷升級. 我唔想俾音響玩, 只想聽音樂. I will buy toy tower. ...
tomtomsuccess 發表於 2012-3-21 22:35
你唔係話唸住玩前後級嘅咩 ?{:6_188:} 回復 67# tomtomsuccess
不如你打去問下旦皇意見,睇下TT夾 34得吾得,最好搵呀mark問