Adam A3X
want to buy Adam A3X to be my Computer Speakers. Any Ching know where to test and buy? and where is cheaper?{:1_347:} {:1_347:} {:1_347:} 識揀喎~~~A3X好嘢嚟架~~~!!! {:6_174:}
ching你可以去旺角星X三樓既DXA睇睇, 佢有埋唔同種類既active speaker比你試吓~~!! {:6_142:} 又或者係ssp鴨記聯X都有得買~~!! 因為我已經係一年前買, 所以好難比較價錢, 總之記得講價~!! {:6_182:} 回復 2# ykluk
Thank You so much ching!!!!! {:1_347:} {:1_347:} {:1_347:}
Can you PM me how much you buy? I just take it as a reference.
thanks again!!!