Sherwood TX-5505id DAB+ Wifi 問題
家用距離约3米Dlink/Buffalo Router, 不論有/無密碼, 均不能成功連接上綱Internet Radio.但用Galaxy Nexus手機Share Wifi 就可以.以為部Sherwood wifi 比較弱, 已換機一次, 但情況一樣, 請問師兄們的有否同樣情況.謝謝. 我用tplink rounter + tablet 都係一陣就斷, 一陣就斷{:1_330:} Hi, timehillMy Galaxy Nexus phone can only connect TX-5505id within 2M.I think it is adnormal for a Wifi but two my TX-5505id appear the same.If there is any thing wrong in my setting.The TX-5505id were unable to detect the Wifi in each Wifi scan.Oh... so many questions.
In fact I seldom listen to internet radio but the firmware update is more important.
Also, I just bought it few days ago and changed for one time.I have to decide (1) change again (2) take mine to show room for testing (teh staff said that their TX-5505id work properly with Wifi) (3) let it be and to use my phone to connect when update firmware. 本帖最後由 MarkKwok 於 2012-9-13 10:56 編輯
我都買了 sherwood 但未試駁 WiFi (其實駁左都未必會聽internet radio). 回復 4# MarkKwok
If your Wifi connection is not ok, it shoud be the problem of mine.發現兩部一樣, 底板WIFI天線位錯焊,自己焊回.The problem should be happened in the same lot of TX-5505id.I informed the shop and the "Hong".I do not know if they will do any thing.