naimnaim 發表於 2012-5-5 01:24

呢點我當然明啦, 但呢D野要$換返黎架。比個例子, CD5X插CAP後, 兩部機都要插電源線, 即係5X份電源仲有作 ...
PP-HK 發表於 2012-5-4 12:21


CDX2 and CD5XS is a different league.They are different design and different level in sonic presentation.By adding an external PSU to CD5XS means the main function of HC or FC is to power the analogue part of CD5XS only.The remaining part such as display light, clock, jitter and front panel switches left to the internal transformer of CD5XS to perform.However,by adding an external PSU to CDX2 means the analogue part, display light, clock, DAC, jitter and front panel switch left to the XPS2 to power as the transformer of XPS2 is larger enough to power all required parts of CDX2.For your information,the transformer of XPS2 is much larger than HC by 40-50% and the current is adequate enough to power all the required parts in CDX2 and CDS3.

By adding an XPS2 to high level CDP means more stabilized in music and much detailed can be listened due to the background is much quiet than before.CD5XS plus HC required both powercords to power both gears which means that there will be much interference and the pace of the current may be varied.Besides,the music comes from this combo is not much coherent than CDX2 plus XPS2.The main reason is that all the required parts or components in CDX2 get current from one large transformer and then flow to the preamp.That's very material and essential in presenting the music just like you truncate and then reassemble it which is unlike the latter that obtain information in a piece and then flow to the second train.The combo of CD5XS and HC just like each of them get current piece by piece from different transformer in terms of size and current.

I never owned CD5X or CD5XS plus HC or FC before but I listened in showroom several times.The result of this combo lets me feel that the music flows piece by piece and not in a piece.They are not well-conglomerated.

I deeply trust that single grounding is better than multi-grounding.You never see any reference grade CDP have two powercords to power it.

XPS or 555PS is the blood that circulates inside the CDP and is the soul of music in presentation.Try to listen the power of XPS2 or 555PS in showroom and you will understand why the price charged in PSU is near to a bare CDP or higher than a bare CDP.

To fully explore the potential of CDP,an external PSU is a must.Once you got an external PSU to your CDP, you will understand what I referred to and you will never regret to own it.

Source comes first is the philosophy in Naim just like an inverted triangle.Personally, I would prefer CDX2/XPS2/Nait XS/HC than CDX2/SuperNait/HC coz the source dotermines everthing including the level of your listening.

Don't you understand that there are many Naim users in UK who play CD555 or CDS3 as their source while their pre and power sits in 202/200 or even lower level coz they understand that the philosophy clearly.


chuwing 發表於 2012-5-5 02:20

回復 440# PP-HK


bbocram 發表於 2012-5-5 23:34


CDX2 and CD5XS is a different league.They are different design and different level in sonic ...
naimnaim 發表於 2012-5-5 01:24

{:6_193:}Yes, i agree with you and long time no see, you are the master naim {:6_165:}

bbocram 發表於 2012-5-5 23:35


今次冇蒙喇重有番尾音同埋低 ...
chuwing 發表於 2012-5-5 02:20

專心{:6_141:}上埋CDX2/NDX 先啦 {:6_174:}

chuwing 發表於 2012-5-6 02:05

回復 444# bbocram


bbocram 發表於 2012-5-6 02:15


    我會!呢兩個月用左成...死雞幾野喇!入部cdx2最快都要三四個月後先有得諗!{:6_191: ...
chuwing 發表於 2012-5-6 02:05

{:6_146:} 你就好啦,三四個月就可以諗埋個source………我都唔知幾時先可以諗埋個 power supply {:6_123:}

chuwing 發表於 2012-5-6 02:37

回復 446# bbocram

BB兄:我諗住放左部CDP & Fcap應該有兩萬零蚊到;今次啱價位先放套舊機再買新機應該補萬零兩萬蚊到;如果一次過要俾死雞幾我都冇貨啦!我又唔係阿頭!{:6_203:}

bbocram 發表於 2012-5-6 17:55


BB兄:我諗住放左部CDP & Fcap應該有兩萬零蚊到;今次啱價位先放套舊機再買新機應該補萬 ...
chuwing 發表於 2012-5-6 02:37


chuwing 發表於 2012-5-6 21:00

回復 448# bbocram


bbocram 發表於 2012-5-6 21:20


chuwing 發表於 2012-5-6 21:00

幾時整番對 FDII ,拉番出對 speaker 呀?

咁樣做一定有全面提升 {:6_175:}
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