PP-HK 發表於 2012-3-19 14:18 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
係呀,真係睇漏左,sorry! 本帖最後由 Wilmer威馬 於 2012-3-19 17:02 編輯
我作為一個Naim長期用家,聽到話飛水線真係嚇一跳! 可知grounding對Naim有幾重要?如果真係要飛 ...
dinodin 發表於 2012-3-14 17:55 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
NAIM個理念係 Signal GROUNDING 同單點落地,唔到 AC 電源 GROUND,再講,一套機最基本就 CDP + INT AMP,兩條 POWER CORD 已經兩個GROUND,加上一套機接好哂線,個 GROUND 已經係共通,差在取邊個點做 SINGLE COMMAN GROUND,如果排插或屋內布線構成 GROUND LOOP,飛一個 POWER CORD GROUND 等如將套機單點落地,同 NAIM個理念冇沖突。
不過飛 GROUND 只係一個平、快、易 o既方法,最好都係搵到噪音源。 非常同意, naim很重視落地, 我之前都有ground loop問題, 試過飛cdp既水線, 問題係解決左, 但d聲扁哂衰聲 ...
PP-HK 發表於 2012-3-19 14:00 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
其實要試甩邊個 GROUND,但一般唔會甩 CD 個 GROUND,因為 DIGITAL DEVICE 本身就係個 NOISE GENERATOR,冇 GROUND 會自己干擾自己。 NAIM個理念係 SINGLE GROUNDING 同單點落地,唔到 AC 電源 GROUND,再講,一套機最基本就 CDP + INT A ...
Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-3-19 16:02 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
雖然naim機與機之間地已互通, 但落地對音質的影響卻仍是重大的。若非如此, 市面上就唔會有專為naim單點落地而設計的graham hydra大蛇出現。而小弟在親身經歷當中, 亦見證過飛水線對音質的負面影響。 其實要試甩邊個 GROUND,但一般唔會甩 CD 個 GROUND,因為 DIGITAL DEVICE 本身就係個 NOISE GENERATOR ...
Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-3-19 16:05 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
理論上我都唔清唔楚, 但被ground loop困擾了幾年, 在forum請教過無數次都解決不少問題, 一個偶然的機會, 在ground loop hum聲存在的情況下, 拔掉cdp的插蘇, ground loop的hum聲突然無哂, 其後嘗試飛了cdp的水線亦有同樣功效。翻查幾個ground loop的網文, 都有提及過飛cdp水線有助消除ground loop的討論。 本帖最後由 Wilmer威馬 於 2012-3-19 17:16 編輯
雖然naim機與機之間地已互通, 但落地對音質的影響卻仍是重大的。若非如此, 市面上就唔會有專為naim單點落 ...
PP-HK 發表於 2012-3-19 17:02 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
呢個就正如我前面講:「如果排插或屋內布線構成 GROUND LOOP」,Graham Hydra 就係做定手腳 break 左個 loop 同 single direction grounding 方式,但係如果唔係用呢類產品、又搵唔出個 noise source,飛 GROUND 就正如我前面講係一個平、快、易 o既方法,始終靜靜地音質差 d 都冇音質好但 si le sa la 咁討厭,當然,講到尾飛 GROUND 只係折衷方法,真正有要求始終要付出,但係飛 GROUND 係一個好好 o既測試方法,有 si le sa la 先甪飛 GROUND 証明關唔關機本身有冇故障,飛 GROUND 如果 work,衰唔衰聲都好,最低限度安心 d,知道唔係壞機。 回復 5# chakat
chakat兄,你指自己聽歌一定要關電視...我想問吓你的意思係按電視機的開關按扭,還是上述加熄埋拖版/牆蘇呢{:6_141:} 謝謝{:6_162:}
信馬sir,我已得救,你呢?理論係冇用,試下,得就好開心,唔得冇損失。- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 NAIM個理念係 Signal GROUNDING 同單點落地,唔到 AC 電源 GROUND,再講,一套機最基本就 CDP + INT A ...
Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-3-19 16:02 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
In a full Naim system 0v refers to the source component's mains earth. So, putting safety issues aside, you can disconnect any mains earth wire you like but not the source component's. You might have overlooked the fact that in the original poster's system there is only one Naim unit (i.e. amp), hence star-grounding does not exist. Therefore the amp's mains earth wire to which the signal ground refers should not be disconnected.
Floating ground is a big no-no for Naim. Some serious Naim users in the UK drove long metal pole into the garden lawn and then linked it to the earth terminal of the consumer unit, in the name (pun not intended) of "perfect" grounding. I was one of them and could attest to the fact that improvements were noticeable. As long as all equipments are single ended, no matter DIN to DIN or DIN to RCA, no matter one of full naim system, start ground could still existing.
UK's example can only tell a perfect ground will have great performance gain, but can't apply to HK, HK's ground looping problems are mostly because the apartment or the whole building electric system layout, not simply because if we draw power of all equipments from one outlet or not, and some old building over 20 years may already have no grounding due to without qualify maintenance, such as my friend live in Shatin, always have looping problem, after pay for a full checking, he found his apartment have groud wire, but disconnect somewhere outside the building, but in a city like HK, we, general audiophiles, are impossible to built our own grounding.
But as I said before, float the ground is the best and easy way to make sure the noise from ground loop or equipment, at least to test if the equipment have no problem, how to treat and cure the looping, or leave the ground wire keep floating, is another issue and at user's choice.