paulsuper 發表於 2012-5-13 11:20

try 0413 la

yuppi 發表於 2012-5-13 13:59

回復 1# fullwell

用 BDP9x-66-0413, 聲畫都有改善

paulsuper 發表於 2012-5-13 14:01

yuppi 兄,你 update 佐 0413 la ?
good or not ?

yuppi 發表於 2012-5-13 14:50

yuppi 兄,你 update 佐 0413 la ?
good or not ?
paulsuper 發表於 2012-5-13 14:01

我冇 up, 因為要播 iso

paulsuper 發表於 2012-5-13 15:18

oppo firmware 可上可落啦

emuho888 發表於 2012-5-13 16:58

1. Disconnect ethernet, and any USB devices and power up the player with no disc in the tray.
2. When it displays "no disc" wait for approx 4-5 seconds, and press GREEN-2-2 on the remote.
3. Press "setup" on remote.
4. Scroll down to "Device setup"
5. Place the bar on "Firmware Upgrade"
6. Press RED-8-5-2-0 on the remote.
7. Exit menu again by pressing setup button, NOT the ok button.
8. Now you can downgrade the firmware with the use of a usb stick, just follow the usual instructions from Oppo.

1 Disconnect ethernet, and any USB devices, and power up the player with no disc in the tray.
2 Press "setup" on remote
3 Scroll down to "Device setup"
4 Place the bar on "Firmware Upgrade"
5 Press RED-8-5-2-0 on the remote.
6 In this menu, press 1-1-4 on the remote.
7 Exit menu again by pressing setup button, NOT the ok button.
8 Now you can downgrade the firmware with the use of a usb stick, just follow the usual instructions from Oppo.

Obviously you'll also need the FW you want to reinstal...

NB: FW upgrades are not to be taken lightly, they sometimes brick your player. Do this at your own risk...or don't do it.
頁: 1 [2]
查看完整版本: OPPO 93~求救~剛装了~BDP9x-65-0302

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